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Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Clean Power Plan Modeling

Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Clean Power Plan Modeling

Full Title: Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Clean Power Plan Modeling
Author(s): Charles Fiertz and Ashley Lawson
Publisher(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publication Date: September 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

An updated context, including falling natural gas prices and the extension of federal tax credits, have prompted new modeling of the likely impacts of the Clean Power Plan. Five studies have recently been released analyzing the projected effects of the Clean Power Plan on outcomes including carbon dioxide emissions, the electricity generation mix, and electricity prices. These studies have also examined the probable impacts of different policy choices available to states in implementing the Clean Power Plan. This brief undertakes a comparative analysis of these studies, identifying results that are common across multiple studies and summarizing a few additional analyses of specific policy decisions.

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