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Long-Term Monitoring of Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps in the Northeast

Long-Term Monitoring of Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps in the Northeast

Full Title:  Long-Term Monitoring of Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps in the Northeast
Author(s):  K. Ueno and H. Loomis
Publisher(s): United States Department of Energy
Publication Date: November 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report covers the long-term performance of mini-split heat pumps (MSHPs) in Massachusetts (zone 5A); it is the culmination of up to 3 years’ worth of monitoring in a set of eight houses. This research examined electricity use of MSHPs, distributions of interior temperatures and humidity when using simplified (two-point) heating systems in high performance housing, and the impact of door open/closed status on temperature distributions. The use of simplified space conditioning distribution (MSHPs) provides significant first cost savings, which are used to offset the increased investment in the building enclosure.

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