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Nuclear Power: The Nucleus of Energy Independence? An Analysis of International Energy Policy

Nuclear Power: The Nucleus of Energy Independence? An Analysis of International Energy Policy

Full Title:  Nuclear Power: The Nucleus of Energy Independence? An Analysis of International Energy Policy
Author(s):  Scott Shackelford
Publisher(s):  Issues in Political Economy
Publication Date: August 1, 2006
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Description (excerpt):

The goal of this paper to compare and contrast the progress of energy policy formulation in the US and EU since the 1950’s specifically in regards to renewable energies such as wind, solar, hydrogen and nonrenewable energies such as nuclear power. To flesh out the differences and their meanings after this brief historical survey, a case study comparing the United States and France with a special emphasis on the nuclear power industry will be offered for consideration. The question, “Why did France choose to go ahead with developing nuclear power despite the risks that deterred the US from doing so?” will be examined. In addition, as a subtopic the question will be asked as to why France has differed so markedly in its stance on nuclear power from other European countries? The results of this project will highlight the contrasting energy policies of two of the richest developed nations and shed new light on the decision of many developing nations such as China to follow France’s lead and pursue an ambitious nuclear power program. This will then lead to a discussion as to what this new direction could mean for the economies and environment of the world.

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