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Opportunities for Synergy Between Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in the Electric Power and Transportation Sectors

Opportunities for Synergy Between Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in the Electric Power and Transportation Sectors

Full Title: Opportunities for Synergy Between Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in the Electric Power and Transportation Sectors
Author(s): April Lee, Owen Zinaman, and Jeffrey Logan
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Publication Date: December 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Use of both natural gas and renewable energy has grown significantly in recent years. Both forms of energy have been touted as key elements of a transition to a cleaner and more secure energy future, but much of the current discourse considers each in isolation or concentrates on the competitive impacts of one on the other. This paper attempts, instead, to explore potential synergies of natural gas and renewable energy in the U.S. electric power and transportation sectors.

Part I of this paper offers nine platforms for dialogue and partnership between the natural gas and renewable energy industries, including development of hybrid technologies, energy system integration studies, analysis of future energy pathways, and joint myth-busters initiatives.

Part II provides a brief summary of recent developments in natural gas and renewable energy markets. It is intended mainly for non-experts in either energy category.

Part III, on the electric power sector, discusses potential complementarities of natural gas and renewable energy from the perspective of electricity portfolio risk and also presents several current market design issues that could benefit from collaborative engagement.

Part IV, on the transportation sector, highlights the technical and economic characteristics of an array of alternative transportation technologies and fuels. Opportunities for natural gas and renewable energy transportation pathways are discussed, as are certain relevant transportation policies.

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