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Reforming Purpa Energy Contracts: A Guide To Lowering North Carolinians’ Electric Bills

Reforming Purpa Energy Contracts: A Guide To Lowering North Carolinians’ Electric Bills

Full Title: Reforming PURPA Energy Contracts: A Guide To Lowering North Carolinians’ Electric Bills
Author(s): Joe Sanders
Publisher(s): The Heartland Institute
Publication Date: June 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Despite no obvious geographical distinctions from the other U.S. states that would explain it, North Carolina is awash in solar energy facilities, more so than every other state except California. That is because the distinctions driving it are political, not geographical. A key reason is how North Carolina implements a four-decades-old law, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Among other things, PURPA mandates that utilities buy any power generated from qualifying renewable energy facilities in their area, at predetermined prices, regardless of market need. States set the terms as to which facilities can qualify, what those prices are, and how long they are in effect. As this paper will explain, North Carolina’s decisions on those factors differ significantly from other states to the special benefit of solar facilities — and ultimately to the detriment of electricity consumers.

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