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Solar Radiation Management: An Evolving Climate Policy Option

Solar Radiation Management: An Evolving Climate Policy Option

Full Title: Solar Radiation Management: An Evolving Climate Policy Option
Author(s): Lee Lane and J. Eric Bickel
Publisher(s): American Enterprise Institute
Publication Date: May 1, 2013
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Description (excerpt):

Measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have long dominated public discourse  about responses to man-made climate change. How-  ever, major institutional and political hurdles dim  future prospects for controlling emissions. While  adaptation to climate change can accomplish much,  fl awed institutions are likely to limit its efficacy.

Solar radiation management (SRM) appears to  promise at least some capacity to offset the warming caused by the rising atmospheric GHG concentrations. SRM would seek to enhance and manage  physical processes that currently reflect sunlight  back into space. For example, most researchers have  envisioned implementing this concept by adding  to the layer of sulfuric acid that is already present  in the lower stratosphere. All else remaining equal,  global mean temperatures would fall even though  GHG levels would not; the Intergovernmental Panel  on Climate Change estimates that physical processes such as these already offset about 40 percent  of global warming. By lessening the rise in temperature, SRM might lessen some of the risks of global  warming.

Recent technical developments have advanced  our understanding of important aspects of SRM.  First, the regional impacts of SRM will be variable  and these differences are likely to become a source of  disagreement regarding SRM deployment. Second,  given the uncertainties about SRM technologies,  there is a pressing need for research and development funding. Third, in contrast to GHG control,  SRM may offer a cost-effective way of managing the  risk of crossing climate tipping points.

The debate over SRM continues to evolve slowly.  Two trends are visible. First, climate change as an issue  has lost political salience. Second, SRM’s visibility has been rising. The greater focus on SRM has led to a  growing debate about its proper governance. So far,  only a very narrow range of experts and interests have  joined this debate. Even so, no consensus seems to be  at hand. Disagreement exists even among environmental advocacy groups.

The economic benefits of a successful SRM program would fl ow from a reduction in climate dam-  ages owing to warming, and a reduction in economic  damage caused by GHG controls. Determining the  optimal amount of GHG controls to implement in  the presence of SRM is an ongoing research effort.  Some argue (1) that SRM should be held in reserve  and only used in the case of an “emergency,” which  is never precisely defined, and (2) that no change  should be made to plans for emissions reductions  such as they are. Others suggest that SRM may augment an emissions reduction program by providing  near-term benefits and risk reduction while low-  carbon energy sources are developed.  SRM’s precise value remains uncertain; however, it  seems clear that its potential benefit is very large—on  par with the damages brought by climate change itself.  In other words, if climate change is a significant problem, then SRM could be part of a significant solution.  The incentives for using SRM appear to be  stronger than those for GHG control. Much analysis has used this valid point to conjecture that SRM  would be easy to deploy—indeed, that it would  be too easy. This fear is largely misguided. Global  power politics militate against any state bidding for  sole control of an SRM system.  In short, SRM remains a speculative option;  nonetheless, a workable SRM system could offer  a highly useful backup and supplement to current  policy options.

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