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The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business

The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business

Full Title: The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business
Author(s): W. Mark Crain and Nicole V. Crain
Publisher(s): National Association of Manufacturers
Publication Date: September 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has issued a report that shows the macroeconomic impact of federal regulations. The study also reveals the extent to which manufacturers bear a disproportionate share of the regulatory burden, and that burden is heaviest on small businesses and manufacturers because their compliance costs are often not affected by economies of scale.

Manufacturers are the backbone of our nation’s economy and employ more than 12 million men and women who make things in America. To maintain manufacturing momentum and encourage hiring, the United States needs government policies more attuned to the realities of global competition.

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