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The Future of the Natural Gas

The Future of the Natural Gas

Full Title: MIT Study on The Future of the Natural Gas
Author(s):  E. Moniz(Co-Chair), H. Jacoby(Co-Chair), A. Meggs(Co-Chair), et al.
Publisher(s):  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITei)
Publication Date: January 1, 2011
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Description (excerpt):

Within this context, the MIT study of The Future of Natural Gas seeks to inform the discussion around natural gas by addressing a fundamental question: what is the role of natural gas in a carbon-constrained economy?

In exploring this question, we seek to improve general understanding of natural gas, and examine a number of specific issues. How much natural gas is there in the world, how expensive is it to develop, and at what rate can it be pro­duced? We start from a global perspective, and then look in detail at U.S. natural gas resources, paying particular attention to the extent and cost of shale gas resources, and whether these sup­plies can be developed and produced in an environmentally sound manner.

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