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U.S. Natural Gas Exports: New Opportunities, Uncertain Outcomes

U.S. Natural Gas Exports: New Opportunities, Uncertain Outcomes

Full Title:  U.S. Natural Gas Exports: New Opportunities, Uncertain Outcomes
Author(s):  Michael Ratner et all.
Publisher(s):  CRS
Publication Date: September 1, 2013
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Description (excerpt):

What effect exporting natural gas will have on U.S. prices is a central question in the debate over whether to export. A significant rise in U.S. natural gas exports would likely put upwards pressure on domestic prices, but the magnitude of any rise is currently unclear. There are numerous factors that will affect prices: export volumes, economic growth, differences in local markets, and government regulations, among others. With recent natural gas prices relatively low compared to global prices and historically low for the United States, producers are looking for new markets for their natural gas. Producers contend that increased exports will not raise prices significantly as there is ample supply to meet domestic demand, and there will be the added benefits of increased revenues, trade, and jobs, and less flaring. Consumers of natural gas, who are being helped by the low prices, fear prices will rise if natural gas is exported.

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