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The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study 4th Edition

The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study 4th Edition

Full Title:  The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study 4th Edition
Author(s):  Michal Nachmany, Sam Fankhauser, Terry Townshend, Murray Collins, Tucker Landesman, Adam Matthews, Carolina Pavese, Katharina Rietig, Philip Schleifer and Joana Setzer
Publisher(s): GLOBE International
Publication Date: February 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study seeks to provide an authoritative and comprehensive annual audit of climate change‐related laws in the 66 country chapters.

The 4th edition is a major output of The GLOBE Climate Legislation Initiative (GCLI), a policy process to support the advance of climate change legislation in more than 40 countries. The GCLI is running alongside the international negotiations under the Durban Platform with the aim of helping to build the foundations and political conditions that enable an international agreement to be reached.

Legislative action at the national level is fundamental to achieving the ultimate goal of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – the stabilisation of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.


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