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CO2 Storage in Underground Coal Seams While Simultaneously Enhancing CBM Production

CO2 Storage in Underground Coal Seams While Simultaneously Enhancing CBM Production

Full Title:  From Desk Studies to Field Demonstration to Commercial Scale Projects: CO2 Storage in Underground Coal Seams While Simultaneously Enhancing CBM Production
Author(s):  TNO
Publisher(s):  TNO
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

The world is in need of technology options that will allow it to conti- nue using fossil fuels without substantial CO2 emissions. Subsurface storage of CO2 in geological systems is considered a promising option and it is currently being investigated worldwide. The research window for projects on subsurface CO2 storage has slowly but surely shifted from desk studies to demonstrations, for the most part. One of the options considered in this context is the storage of CO2 in underground coal seams. The injection of CO2 into coal while simultaneously pro- ducing coalbed methane (CBM) combines the production of a ‘clean’, hydrogen-rich fossil fuel (methane) with CO2 sequestration. In 2001 the RECOPOL project was set-up to perform the first European field demon- stration of this technique. The main goal of the project, co-funded by the European Commission, was to demonstrate that CO2 injection in coal is feasible under European conditions. The MOVECBM project aims at the monitoring and verification of the CO2 storage site in Poland and other locations.

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