Republicans rightly criticized the $500 million loan guarantee to failed solar energy company Solyndra under the Obama administration, but now the current administration is preparing energy company bailouts that will dwarf the size of that mistake. If this bailout goes forward, taxpayers will be on the hook for billions of dollars for failing coal and nuclear power plants. The Solyndra failure was a textbook example of the pitfalls that exist when the federal government tries to pick winners and losers in the energy industry. The Trump administration seems to not have learned the lesson, as a number of financially troubled and outdated plants are struggling as energy generation becomes more efficient.
Some of the companies that own these facilities are looking for government handouts to stay afloat and the DOE appears to be willing to oblige. A bailout proposal has been drafted that would dramatically increase the role of the federal government in energy markets and send a staggering amount of resources to a few chosen private companies. Estimates of the proposed bailout peg the cost to taxpayers at somewhere between $20 billion and $35 billion. The proposal would involve direct purchases of energy from approved power plants and create a strategic electric generation reserve, and the direct purchases would be used to prop up several failing coal and nuclear plants. But helping keep these plants operational will not help consumers, according to PJM Interconnection, which has stated that there is “no immediate threat to system reliability from plant retirements.”
Energy Secretary Perry has long been a champion of an “all of the above” energy strategy that is rooted in free market principles, yet the draft bailout proposal is a major departure from a market approach. A coalition of free market groups warned President Trump that a “bailout would cost taxpayers billions of dollars” and “would represent an inappropriate government intervention into energy markets.” In a free market, outdated companies and technologies are routinely replaced by newer and more efficient competitors, which is exactly what is happening in the energy sector right now. The biggest threat to clean and affordable energy is heavy-handed federal intervention. When this intervention comes with a $35 billion price tag taxpayers should be outraged.
Posted on:
October 8, 2018 at 11:30 AM
October 8, 2018 at 11:30 AM
1) What credible arguments, if any, exist for providing these funds to energy companies?
2) Are there ways to ensure system reliability without such a large burden being placed on the taxpayers?
2) Are there ways to ensure system reliability without such a large burden being placed on the taxpayers?
The premise of your discussion is wrong. While Solyndra was a failure, the government loan guarantee program it was funded under was a success and the government actually made money… Read more »
Thanks for the response. What’s your source on the budgetary impact of DOE’s loan programs? This might be outdated, but the most recent information I found was this April 2015… Read more »
Brandon: Part of my source is Steven Chu (I’m on a board with him), but you can also read it in the press: My point was the “outrage” you… Read more »
Thanks. Hopefully, GAO will update its study. Regardless, I wasn’t really trying to debate the merits of Solyndra or the loan program at large. The point is that people who… Read more »
“In a free market, outdated companies and technologies are routinely replaced by newer and more efficient competitors” … True, but the electric power market is not a free market. Utilities… Read more »
Bailouts in no matter what form are almost always a bad political decision. It is hard to think of a situation where one is justified. Some have made and still… Read more »
This is a complicated subject. Coal is dead. It cannot compete purely on economics. It deserves to die and is unworthy of bailout. That said, nuclear is a different animal. … Read more »