Full Title: 15 Signals: Evidence The Energy Transition Is Underway
Author(s): World Wildlife Fund
Publication Date: September 1, 2016
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Description (excerpt):
World leaders approved a universal climate agreement in Paris last year, drawing a line in the sand for the transformation of the world’s energy system into a clean and sustainable form.
Signs that a global energy transition is happening are everywhere to be seen: in the growth of renewables, the rise of city-level climate actions, the stagnation of CO2 emissions and in companies who are committing to science based targets as the foundation of their climate actions, to name just a few.
We felt it important to highlight 15 key signs or “signals” of the energy transition, to help raise awareness that the transition to a new, sustainable, equitable, just and fair global energy system has irrevocably begun.
What is needed now is to accelerate the transition and scale it up to have a chance of keeping global temperature rise to well below 2°C, trying for 1.5°C, as countries committed to in the Paris Agreement just eight months ago.
Global meetings – such as the G20 meeting taking place in China on 4-5th September; and the next UN climate talks starting in Marrakech on 7th November – gives opportunity to all stakeholders to say how and what they can contribute to accelerating the transition.
Ending fossil fuel subsidies, supporting the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency, increasing green fi nance and putting a just price on carbon are just some of the actions that can be taken right now to put pace into the transition.
As 2016 heads into the record books as likely the hottest year ever recorded in history, it is a reminder that we have precious little time left to act to keep global temperatures well below 2°C.
We have the Paris Agreement to guide our way. Now we need to implement it. Now is the time for action.