Full Title: Basic Photovoltaic Principals and Methods
Author(s): Paul Hersch and Kenneth Zweibel
Publisher(s): Solar Energy Research Institute
Publication Date: February 1, 1982
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This book presents a nonmathematical explanation of the theory and design of PV solar cells and systems. It is written to address several audiences: engineers and scientists who desire an introduction to the field of photovoltaics, students interested in PV science and technology, and end users who require a greater understanding of theory to supplement their applications.
The book is effectively sectioned into two main blocks: Chapters 2-5 cover the basic elements of photovoltaics-the individual electricity-producing cell. The reader is told why PV cells work, and how they are made. There is also a chapter on advanced types of silicon cells. Chapters 6-8 cover the designs of systems constructed from individual cells-including possible constructions for putting cells together and the equipment needed for a practioal producer of electrical energy. In addition, Chapter 9 deals with PV’s future. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the field.