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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Utility-Facing Grid Modernization Investments: Trends, Challenges, and Considerations

Benefit-Cost Analysis for Utility-Facing Grid Modernization Investments: Trends, Challenges, and Considerations

Full Title: Benefit-Cost Analysis for Utility-Facing Grid Modernization Investments: Trends, Challenges, and Considerations
Author(s): Tim Woolf, Ben Havumaki, Divita Bhandari, Melissa Whited, Lisa C Schwartz
Publisher(s): Berkeley Lab, Synapse Energy Economics
Publication Date: February 5, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In recent years, many electric utilities have submitted grid modernization plans for review by state public utility commissions. A central objective of these plans is to demonstrate that grid modernization investments will provide net benefits to customers, be reasonable and be in the public interest. The plans typically include some form of benefit-cost analysis, but the assumptions, methodologies and frameworks vary considerably between utilities.

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