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Benefits of a Comprehensive Public Stakeholder Process: the Oregon Senate Bill 978 Experience

Benefits of a Comprehensive Public Stakeholder Process: the Oregon Senate Bill 978 Experience

Full Title: Benefits of a Comprehensive Public Stakeholder Process: the Oregon Senate Bill 978 Experience
Author(s): Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)
Publisher(s): Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)
Publication Date: December 18, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Oregon Public Utility Commission undertook a progressive comprehensive public stakeholder process when the legislature mandated them to convene the state’s electric power sector to investigate industry trends and the impact of technology on the current regulatory system. Their model demonstrates a stakeholder process that is transparent, inclusive of the wider community, efficient, and effective. In this case study, SEPA dives into the specifics of the commission’s process, its outcomes, subsequent actions, and how Oregon’s stakeholder process can be used as a tool by other commissions when they face challenging issues or the need to change current approaches.

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