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Bookmark and Share Bookmark and Share G20 Toolkit for Renewable Energy Deployment: Country Options for sustainable growth based on Remap

Full Title: Bookmark and Share Bookmark and Share G20 Toolkit for Renewable Energy Deployment: Country Options for sustainable growth based on Remap
Author(s): Dolf Gielen, Deger Saygin, Nicholas Wagner, Jasper Rigter, Laura Gutierrez and Yong Chen (IRENA)
Publisher(s): International Renewable Energy Agency
Publication Date: June 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Group of Twenty (G20) has a leading role in technology development and innovation that can help to accelerate renewable energy deployment. The financing institutions within the G20 represent the bulk of the global financing system.
In October 2015, under the Turkish presidency, the G20 adopted the “Toolkit of Voluntary Options for Renewable Energy Deployment”. IRENA has been requested to co-ordinate toolkit activities, in co-operation with other international organisations. One of five focus areas of the toolkit is the development of roadmaps for renewable energy deployment in the G20.
IRENA’s renewable energy roadmap (REmap) programme assesses the potential of renewable energy technology and their costs and benefits in enabling the world to double its share of renewables by the year 2030. The second edition of the global REmap was issued in March 2016. It includes renewables roadmaps for G20 member countries. This background paper summarises the results for the G20, identifies action areas for G20 policy makers and proposes the next steps of a “REmap G20 process”.

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