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Building an Electric Transportation Supply Chain in the United States: Companies, Jobs, Growth Rates, and Economic Opportunities in Vehicle Electrification

Building an Electric Transportation Supply Chain in the United States: Companies, Jobs, Growth Rates, and Economic Opportunities in Vehicle Electrification

Full Title: Building an Electric Transportation Supply Chain in the United States: Companies, Jobs, Growth Rates, and Economic Opportunities in Vehicle Electrification
Author(s): Philip Jordan, Nate Hunt
Publisher(s): Advanced Energy Economy, BW Research Partnership
Publication Date: August 13, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Advanced Energy Economy engaged BW Research Partnership to examine the current and potential Electric Transportation (ET) economy across the United States. This research focuses on the current businesses and workers involved in the ET supply chain and examines the economic opportunities as the electrification of transportation continues. There are notable strengths in the ET supply chain across the U.S., including automobile and component parts manufacturing, a robust electrical component manufacturing sector, a growing network of charging stations and equipment providers, and a large workforce trained in traditional vehicle manufacturing, which could readily provide workers as the ET economy expands. There are other areas in which the ET sector’s growth may be constrained, including the production of batteries and advanced semiconductors. Through intentional policies, the U.S.can leverage its position as the global leader in innovation and development to reduce or remove these barriers and facilitate rapid electrification of transportation.

This study begins with an overview of the current ET supply chain in the U.S., including the current number of jobs and businesses involved in ET, historical growth rates, and projections of nearterm growth. The research then identifies“Adjacent Industries and Occupations,” which are firms and workers that are not currently involved with ET goods or services but have characteristics similar to those that are. Examining Adjacent Industries and Occupations is useful for identifying existing companies and workers that could transition from one industry to another with relative ease. This analysis is also useful in highlighting some industries that may benefit from increased demand for their products driven by the rise in ET.

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