Full Title: Changes in Awareness of and Support for the Green New Deal: December 2018 to April 2019
Author(s): Abel Gustafson, Seth Rosenthal, Parrish Bergquist, Matthew Ballew, Matthew Goldberg, John Kotcher, Anthony Leiserowitz and Edward Maibach
Publisher(s): Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Publication Date: May 1, 2019
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Description (excerpt):
From December 2018 to April 2019, public familiarity with – and support for – the Green New Deal shifted dramatically. In particular, Republicans now say they are both much more familiar with the proposal and much more opposed to it. Opposition to the Green New Deal is especially strong among those Republicans who have heard “a lot” about it. In contrast, support among Democrats has remained high regardless of how much they have heard about it. Here, we summarize this rapid political polarization on the Green New Deal and discuss how it may relate to politicized media coverage.