Full Title: Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement: A Snapshot of Key Trends, Strategies and Practices in 2016
Author(s): Devon Edwards, Dan Mitler, Amy O’Meara, Bryn Baker, Joshua Kaplan, Susanne Fratzscher, Marty Spitzer
Publisher(s): Corporate Eco-Forum, World Wildlife Fund
Publication Date: October 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This briefing on corporate renewable energy (RE) procurement trends and strategies, implementation practices, and policy and state engagement priorities is based on an in-depth survey of 37 Corporate Eco Forum (CEF) members and Renewable Energy Buyers’ Principles signatories, representing 9 sectors, with combined revenues exceeding $1 trillion. All survey respondents are active corporate players in the current RE market. However, these results only offer a snapshot of corporate practices and priorities given ever-changing RE market conditions.