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Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide

Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide

Full Title: Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide
Author(s): David Sandalow, Julio Friedmann, Colin McCormick, and Sean McCoy
Publisher(s): Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF)
Publication Date: December 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The IPCC and many scholars agree that achieving a 2 degree C climate stabilization target will be extremely challenging through mitigation efforts alone and will likely require removal of CO2 from the atmosphere at the scale of many gigatons. This number is daunting, but many approaches have been proposed for Negative Emission Technologies (NETs), including land-use techniques, re- and afforestation, bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration and direct air capture (DAC). The technological status of DAC is very early-stage, with no significant dedicated research, development and deployment (RD&D) programs and only a handful of pilot-scale facilities currently operating.

This roadmap will explore the portfolio of NETs in under 2 degree C scenarios, DAC technologies and their status, long-term goals for DAC (e.g. economic viability, ensuring net CO2 removal from the use of DAC and CO2 utilization, role of renewable electricity, RD&D targets) and policy support.

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