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Do Markets Trump Politics? Fossil Fuel Market Reactions to the Paris Agreement and the US Election

Do Markets Trump Politics? Fossil Fuel Market Reactions to the Paris Agreement and the US Election

Full Title: Do Markets Trump Politics? Fossil Fuel Market Reactions to the Paris Agreement and the US Election
Author(s): Samson Mukanjari and Thomas Sterner
Publisher(s): Resources for the Future
Publication Date: October 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

How can event studies in financial markets best be used to evaluate policy? We take the example of climate policy and the issue of whether world climate policy is effective. Environmentalists claim too little is done. Industry argues policy is too interventionist and warns that stranding significant assets could lead to financial instability. We evaluate the impact of global climate policymaking by studying the impact of the election of President Trump and of the Paris climate agreement on the stock market value of energy sector firms. Using event study and impulse-indicator saturation methods, we show that both events had only moderate effects on the value of fossil fuel firms.

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