Full Title: Doubling down on carbon pricing
Author(s): Jonathan Camuzeaux, Dirk Forrister, Nathaniel Keohane, Ruben Lubowski, Jeremy Proville, Katie Sullivan, Jeff Swartz and Derek Walker.
Publisher(s): Environmental Defense Fund
Publication Date: August 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Countries and states around the world are considering carbon pricing policies to achieve their greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, including emissions trading systems, carbon taxes, or similar systems.
The High-Level Carbon Pricing Panel convened by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund has called for efforts to double the amount of global greenhouse gas emissions covered by carbon pricing mechanisms from current levels (about 12 percent) to 25 percent of global emissions by 2020, and double it again to 50 percent within the next decade.
In Doubling Down on Carbon Pricing [PDF], EDF and the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) illustrate a number of possible routes for achieving the dramatic expansion of carbon pricing envisioned by the Panel.
The scenarios show that the Panel’s goals are ambitious, in the sense that they will require action beyond what is currently anticipated — especially to reach the 50% goal. At the same time, the report finds that the goals are achievable, given the existence of multiple plausible scenarios to meet them.