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Economic Volatility in Oil Producing Regions: Impacts and Federal Policy Options

Economic Volatility in Oil Producing Regions: Impacts and Federal Policy Options

Full Title: Economic Volatility in Oil Producing Regions: Impacts and Federal Policy Options
Author(s): Daniel Raimi, Ron Minsk, Jake Higdon, and Alan Krupnick
Publisher(s): Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy
Publication Date: October 30, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In this report for Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, the authors address whether the federal government can and should intervene to reduce the challenges associated with this volatility. In their research, the authors convened two expert workshops, reviewed the existing evidence, and analyzed a range of potential policy options. The report recommends a modest intervention: establishing a federal interagency Oil Volatility Advisory Board. The board would synthesize data on local economic, fiscal, and social conditions in producing communities. With this information, the board would play a coordinating role by connecting public and private institutions in producing regions with existing federal programs designed to manage near-term challenges and diversify local economies over the longer term. While this proposal is unlikely to eliminate all of the local challenges associated with oil price volatility, it could help smooth fluctuations, providing the basis for a higher quality of life along with more stable economic growth in producing regions.

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