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Electric Vehicle Dynamic Charging Performance Characteristics during Bulk Power System Disturbances

Electric Vehicle Dynamic Charging Performance Characteristics during Bulk Power System Disturbances

Full Title: Electric Vehicle Dynamic Charging Performance Characteristics during Bulk Power System Disturbances
Author(s): Ryan Quint, Joe Eto, and Michael Walker
Publisher(s): North American Electric Reliability Corporation, California Mobility Center, and Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Publication Date: April 10, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The purpose of this document is to highlight the need for collaboration between electric utilities and the electric vehicle (EV)/electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) manufacturing industry to develop strategies that will help ensure bulk power system (BPS) reliability, resilience, and security.

This document focuses on an area that is relatively unexplored: EV charging behavior during infrequent grid disturbances that originate from the BPS. These events last no more than a few seconds but may have catastrophic consequences for grid reliability if left unchecked (i.e., cascading blackouts and widespread power interruptions). This document outlines the need for early engagement and information exchange between the electric utilities and the EV/EVSE manufacturing industry to facilitate anticipation and timely resolution of potential grid reliability issues. Toward this end, this document describes the BPS-related reliability concerns that electric utilities are studying in anticipation of the expected significant increase in EV charging loads.

This document then outlines the electric utility’s current recommendations to mitigate these concerns based on preliminary observations, including changing EV charger and EVSE operation during these infrequent, short-duration events. This document concludes by outlining a solution to meet the need for on-going information sharing between the two communities. This includes the need for future studies to refine these recommendations to become accepted industry practices and standards. This coordination will foster mutual understanding of the issues that must be addressed on both sides of the meter to ensure grid reliability, resilience, and security at the least cost to society as electrification of the transportation fleet grows.

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