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Electricity Regulation In the US: A Guide

Electricity Regulation In the US: A Guide

Full Title: Electricity Regulation In the US: A Guide
Author(s): Jim Lazar, with RAP staf
Publisher(s): Regulatory Assistance Project
Publication Date: June 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The purpose of this guide is to provide a broad perspective on the universe of utility regulation. The intended audience includes anyone involved in the regulatory process, from regulators to industry to advocates and consumers. The following pages first address why utilities are regulated, and then provide an overview of the actors, procedures, and issues involved in regulation of the electricity and gas sectors. The guide is intended to serve as a primer for new entrants and assumes that the reader has no background in the regulatory arena. It also provides a birds-eye view of the regulatory landscape, including current developments, and can therefore serve as a review tool and point of reference for those who are more experienced

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