Full Title: Energy Transition Outlook 2017: A global and regional forecast of the energy transition to 2050
Author(s): solveig aamodt, carlos sallé alonso, guri bang, xavier chen, andrew garrad, solveig glomsrød, howard gooder, christoph gräfe, patrick graichen, knut haanes, helge hove haldorsen, odd haakon hoelsaeter, steffen kallbekken, georg kell, adrian j luckins, wolfgang lutz
Publisher(s): DNV GL
Publication Date: September 1, 2017
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Description (excerpt):
This outlook, based on our own, independent model of the world’s energy system, was undertaken to aid analysts and decision — makers at our customers’ irms, and other stakeholders in the global energy supply chain. It will also support our own business strategy.
Our indings suggest that there are immense challenges and opportunities in store for the industries we serve, and we explore these further in three ’industry implications’ supplements to this main publication:
- Oil and Gas;
- Maritime; and
- Renewables, Power, and Energy Use.
Our customers own and operate assets that have a useful life spanning decades. The 33 years between the date of this publication and mid-century will see pivotal changes in the world’s energy system. On the brink of such epochal change, it is wise to take stock of one’s business strategy — the allocation of company resources — and compare existing plans against the kind of energy future we foresee.