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Ensuring Efficient Reliability: New Design Principles for Capacity Accreditation

Ensuring Efficient Reliability: New Design Principles for Capacity Accreditation

Full Title: Ensuring Efficient Reliability: New Design Principles for Capacity Accreditation
Author(s): Derek Stenclik, Telos Energy
Publisher(s): Energy Systems Integration Group
Publication Date: February 3, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As the power system changes due to increased renewables, coal and gas retirements, and the increased use of storage and load flexibility for reliability, new methods and principles are needed to measure each resource’s contribution toward reliability. The ESIG Redefining Resource Adequacy Task Force developed this report to provide an overview of capacity accreditation: the measure of the contribution of individual resources toward meeting the system’s resource adequacy.

The report details the ways that resources are accredited today, how those processes are evolving with a changing resource mix, and limitations inherent in these techniques, and provides suggestions on ways to simplify the approaches to ensure they can be used across all resource types in a more transparent manner. The report does not outline a single, one-size-fits-all approach to capacity accreditation; rather, it provides a framework and foundational pillars that can be used throughout the industry to improve accreditation processes and ensure resource adequacy in the future.

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