Full Title: GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2018 Energizing the World with Innovation
Author(s): Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent
Publisher(s): Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Publication Date: July 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The Global Innovation Index (GII) provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 126 countries which represent 90.8% of the world’s population and 96.3% of global GDP. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication.
The GII 2018 marks the 11th edition of the GII, and the beginning of its second decade providing data and insights gathered from tracking innovation across the globe. This year’s edition, is dedicated to the theme of Energizing the World with Innovation. It analyses the energy innovation landscape of the next decade and identifies possible breakthroughs in fields such as energy production, storage, distribution, and consumption. It also looks at how breakthrough innovation occurs at the grassroots level and describes how small-scale renewable systems are on the rise.