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Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world

Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world

Full Title:   Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world
Author(s): Worldwatch Institute
Publisher(s):  United Nations Environment Programme
Publication Date: September 1, 2008
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Until now, there has been much anecdotal evidence indicating that the pattern of employment is indeed changing—and that new jobs are beginning to emerge in favor of greener, cleaner and more sustainable occupations. This report shows for the first time at global level that green jobs are being generated in some sectors and economies.

Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World assembles evidence— quantitative, anecdotal, and conceptual—for currently existing green jobs in key economic sectors (renewable energy, buildings and construction, transportation, basic industry, agriculture, and forestry) and presents estimates for future green employment. The pace of green job creation is likely to accelerate in the years ahead. A global transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy can create large numbers of green jobs across many sectors of the economy, and indeed can become an engine of development. Current green job creation is taking place in both the rich countries and in some of the major developing economies.

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