Full Title: How Much, How Fast: Infrastructure Requirements of EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Rules
Author(s): EFI Foundation
Publisher(s): EFI Foundation
Publication Date: October 20, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This report focuses on the infrastructure needs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed rules for fossil-fueled power plant emissions reductions. This modeling-driven study analyzes the potential outcomes of EPA’s proposal on the energy system by region, including the costs of the potential electricity, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide (CO2) infrastructure requirements.
The report is the first in a new report series called the U.S. Hydrogen Infrastructure Action Plan, which analyzes the opportunities of hydrogen infrastructure for enabling market formation. This series is a follow-up to the February 2023 Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) report, The U.S. Hydrogen Demand Action Plan, which recommended policies for accelerating domestic hydrogen offtake.