Full Title: Hybuild Carolinas: Architecting the Green Hydrogen Ecosystem to Enable a Clean Energy Economy in North and South Carolina
Author(s): Green Hydrogen Coalition
Publisher(s): Green Hydrogen Coalition
Publication Date: February 9, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
HyBuild™ Carolinas is an initiative to catalyze momentum to achieve mass-scale, low-cost, delivered green hydrogen in North and South Carolina. This initiative is poised to drive multi-sectoral decarbonization and foster local economic development.
Governments and institutions around the globe have extensively studied potential pathways for economy-wide decarbonization and have come to the same conclusion: green hydrogen is pivotal. Green hydrogen, a carbon-free renewable resource, can replace fossil fuels in some of the most polluting and challenging-to-electrify economic sectors. To attain this goal, green hydrogen must be delivered with supply certainty and at prices competitive with current fossil fuels. This necessitates scale. The Green Hydrogen Coalition (GHC) established HyBuild™ North America as a platform to design low-cost, mass-scale green hydrogen hubs across the continent.