Full Title: Implementation Guide For Utilities: Designing Renewable Energy Products To Meet Large Energy Customer Needs
Author(s): Priya Barua
Publisher(s): World Resources Institute
Publication Date: June 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
- Traditional, regulated utilities are well-positioned to meet commercial and industrial (C&I) customer demand for renewable energy through green tariffs.
- Successful green tariff programs have helped to bring more than 900 megawatts (MW) of new solar and wind projects to the grid since 2013.
- Keys to successful green tariffs include: engaging senior leadership from across the utility; consulting customers throughout the design; finding ways to offer fixed-price, cost-based energy from compelling renewable energy projects; and integrating renewable energy into an attractive package for customers.
- It is important to design products with sufficient flexibility to make them attractive to a broad class of customers and to ensure that these products are not putting an unfair burden on any other customers in the utility’s service territory.
- Attractive green tariff programs can serve as a strategic competitive differentiator for traditional utilities.