Full Title: Inclusive Financing for Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Author(s): John Farrell and Karlee Weinmann
Publisher(s): Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Publication Date: December 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Energy efficiency and renewables represent the most promising pathway to lower energy costs for individual consumers and utilities. Programs that help utility customers pursue home improvements, like better insulation or rooftop solar panels, can slash monthly utility bills and eliminate the need for utilities to add costly — and outdated — power and gas infrastructure. The upside is undeniable, with energy efficiency measures alone predicted to save customers $2 trillion by 2030. But limited access hinders progress. The best energy efficiency programs serve less than 2% of customers each year, and few reach the majority of a utility’s customers, including renters, customers without strong credit, and low- and moderate-income households, who pay disproportionately high energy bills.