Full Title: Interconnected: Canadian and U.S. Electricity
Author(s): Doug Vine
Publisher(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publication Date: May 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The U.S. and Canadian electric power grids are connected through 37 major transmission lines from New England to the Pacific Northwest. The interconnected North American power grid provides numerous benefits for Canada and the United States, including enhanced electric reliability, security, affordability and resilience as well as increased economic benefits. The two countries have worked together to improve service through markets, international regulatory bodies and various bilateral engagements. Increasing actions by provinces, states, cities and businesses are growing demand for clean energy. Due to the comparatively clean mix of Canadian electricity, increased exports could assist the United States as well as individual states and cities in achieving their clean energy goals. Furthermore, the inherent storage capability of Canadian hydropower can help states integrate greater quantities of intermittent renewable power