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It’s Time for a National Energy Policy

It’s Time for a National Energy Policy

Full Title:  It’s Time for a National Energy Policy
Author(s):  Nemacolin Energy Institute
Publisher(s):  Nemacolin Energy Institute
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

America’s prosperity, security and economic activity require a lot of energy. As a nation, we recognize the simple truth that every aspect of our lives, our safety, our economy, our security, our comforts, our businesses and industry, our productivity and profitability, our science and technology, our mobility, and our infrastructure all rely on and are built around the use of energy, including fossil-based fuels. Fossil-energy use is a necessity, not a choice; it is reliable, delivering a lot of power affordably and efficiently. We use these fuels because they are very economical. The innovative use of energy over 140 years is responsible for our nation’s economic growth, living standards, and prosperity.

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