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Look Forward: Supply Chains

Look Forward: Supply Chains

Full Title: Look Forward: Supply Chains
Author(s): Carlos Cardenas, Jose Perez-Gorozpe, Vishrut Rana, Elijah Oliveros-Rosen, Ken Wattret, Diego Iscaro, Kevin Murphy, and Chris Rogers
Publisher(s): S&P Global
Publication Date: February 21, 2024
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Description (excerpt):

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world realized that supply chains are fragile and can have significant national strategic implications, especially at a time when geopolitical competition is on the rise.
Recent attacks on shipping in the Red Sea further show that the pre-pandemic world, where supply chains were largely undisrupted and efficient, is unlikely to return. Today, the term “supply chain” is an all-encompassing catch phrase spanning international trade, logistics and manufacturing in the context of both corporate operations and national economic security.
This inaugural issue of Look Forward: Supply Chain taps into the knowledge of multiple specialists in areas such as labor, mobility, geopolitics, decarbonization, shipping and international trade to present a series of articles that delve beyond the headlines and provide critical insights to our customers worldwide. This deep dive into electric vehicles and batteries is a great example of how technology and geopolitics are reshaping global supply chains.

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