Full Title: Mapping The Linkages Between The Transparency Framework and Other Provisions of The Paris Agreement
Author(s): Yamide Dagnet, Marcelo T. Rocha, Teng Fei, Cynthia Elliot, & Melisa Krnjaic
Publisher(s): Project for Climate Transparency
Publication Date: May 1, 2017
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Description (excerpt):
- In 2018 negotiators will reach agreement on the “rule book” that will guide implementation of the Paris Agreement (PA) on climate change.
- The modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs) that govern the enhanced transparency framework under Article 13 will be a core element of the rule book because the framework ensures that enough information is provided concerning Parties’ action and support, enhances trust between the Parties, and advances implementation.
- The interconnected nature of the provisions of the PA must be considered carefully by negotiators as they develop guidelines for implementation. This is especially true of the MPGs for the enhanced transparency framework, which must take account of other provisions of the PA if they are to be workable, coherent, efficient, and mutually reinforcing.
- This paper maps the linkages between the transparency framework and other provisions of the PA and provides information on how linkages might be leveraged to facilitate the negotiating process on the design of the MPGs.