Full Title: Methodologies for Establishing Fixed Charges in Residential Tariffs: A Survey
Author(s): Ahmad Faruqui, Kirby Leyshon
Publisher(s): Brattle Group
Publication Date: October 1, 2016
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This report surveys the methodology for designing and establishing the levels of fixed charges for residential customers of electricity in the United States. Information is presented on the methodology and application of fixed charges by individual electric utilities located around the country and supported by the corresponding state public utility commissions or other regulatory body.
We reached out to thirty-seven utilities across the country and asked them a series of questions addressing the underlying theory, practical methodology, and implementation of fixed charges. They were also asked to provide written evidentiary testimony and links to regulatory commission decisions and guidance. Thirty-three utilities responded to the survey.1 Their information is presented in this report along with information on two other municipal utilities in California that was gleaned from the municipal utilities’ websites. This document generally reflects information available in Q1 2016 unless otherwise noted.