Full Title: NRDC’S Fifth Annual Energy Report America’s Clean Energy Revolution
Publisher(s): Natural Resources Defense Council
Publication Date: October 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Dozens of clean energy records have been shattered across the United States in the last year and a half. Solar energy is growing at an unprecedented rate and the first U.S. offshore wind farm now provides clean electricity off the coast of Rhode Island. Grid operators and utilities are implementing new techniques and grid improvements that allow us to integrate more clean energy into America’s electricity system without compromising reliability. At the same time, states and utilities have increased their energy efficiency investments, reducing energy waste and energy costs across the U.S. economy. Taken together, the United States is slashing climate-changing and other harmful pollutants even as national energy spending hits record lows. Cities, states, and businesses recognize the economic advantages of clean energy and have taken the lead on U.S. climate action and must continue to do so. It is clear that a low-carbon future is more affordable and achievable than ever. The last year and a half has proved that, despite some new political headwinds, ever-improving economics can propel the clean energy transition in the years to come.