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Observations and Lessons Learned From Installing Residential Roofing-Integrated Photovoltaics

Observations and Lessons Learned From Installing Residential Roofing-Integrated Photovoltaics

Full Title: Observations and Lessons Learned From Installing Residential Roofing-Integrated Photovoltaics
Author(s): Jeffrey J. Cook, Sushmita Jena, Minahil Sana Qasim, and Eric O’Shaughnessy
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: March 22, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Building-sited solar photovoltaics (PV) could play a key role in decarbonizing the building sector, either through racked and mounted PV or through building-integrated PV (BIPV). BIPV is installed into the building envelope itself, with solar cells and/or modules forming the outer layer of a building structure, thus transforming a single-purpose structure into one that serves the dual purposes of the building envelope and electricity. BIPV can be applied to building roofs, façades, awnings, pergolas, windows, skylights, balustrades, and other external surfaces. Given that BIPV products vary widely, the focus of this research is residential roofing-integrated PV (RIPV), where solar is incorporated into or replaces the roofing material.

Here, we explore residential RIPV cost reduction opportunities by analyzing installation processes. Our study documents residential RIPV installations at two re-roofing sites and the equivalent of nine new construction sites in California through a methodology known as time and motion study. We also conducted interviews with subject-matter experts to identify barriers and solutions to maximize these products’ market penetration.

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