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Permanent CO2 Storage for Direct Air Capture

Permanent CO2 Storage for Direct Air Capture

Full Title: Permanent CO2 Storage for Direct Air Capture
Author(s): Noah McQueen, Joey Nelson, Christian Theuer, and Alexa Dennett
Publisher(s): Heirloom Carbon Technologies
Publication Date: March 27, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

When paired with geological storage, Direct Air Capture (DAC) can permanently remove carbon dioxide (CO2) at a scale that can help achieve global climate goals. There is a substantial body of evidence that allows for an in-depth assessment of the safety and permanence of geological CO2 storage, since the practice has been harnessed at a commercial scale in the United States for decades. When properly sited, constructed, tested and monitored in accordance with frameworks like the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Class VI Underground Injection Control program, geological storage of CO2 is both durable and safe. Safety concerns around geologic storage are often misattributed from leaks associated with the transportation of CO2 by pipeline. In light of the rapid growth of technologies like DAC, significantly more geological storage will need to be permitted and commissioned globally to meet carbon removal objectives.

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