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Power Marketing Administrations: Additional Steps Are Needed to Better Manage Climate-Related Risks

Power Marketing Administrations: Additional Steps Are Needed to Better Manage Climate-Related Risks

Full Title: Power Marketing Administrations: Additional Steps Are Needed to Better Manage Climate-Related Risks
Author(s): Government Accountability Office
Publisher(s): Government Accountability Office
Publication Date: March 30, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Four “power marketing administrations” sell electricity generated from federal hydropower dams to public utilities, rural cooperatives, and Indian Tribes in over 30 states. The four entities face a number of climate-related risks to their operations. For example, decreasing water availability that resulted from droughts could reduce the amount of electricity generated from dams affecting their ability to provide power.

In 2022, two of the administrations identified weaknesses associated with climate change and developed plans to address them. But the other two have not yet done so. We recommended that they develop such plans.

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