Full Title: Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management: Conduct of Research
Author(s): Shobna Varma, Caroline Dickey, Charles Pilson, Mott MacDonald, Gordon Proctor, Cassandra Bhat, Amanda Vargo, and Brenda Dix
Publisher(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publication Date: October 19, 2023
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The assessment of climatic and extreme weather risks is increasingly becoming important to the operation of transportation agencies. There are easy-to-use tools and techniques that can be implemented by agencies.
NCHRP Research Report 1066: Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management: Conduct of Research, from TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program, discusses how to assess risks and summarizes 12 studies that demonstrate how to enhance the measurement of risks, quantify risks, and better link risk management processes with the appropriate tools.