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Savings in Action: Lessons Learned from a Vermont Community with Solar Plus Storage

Savings in Action: Lessons Learned from a Vermont Community with Solar Plus Storage

Full Title: Savings in Action: Lessons Learned from a Vermont Community with Solar Plus Storage
Author(s): Indu Manogaran, Amanda Farthing, Jeff Maguire, and Kenny Gruchalla
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: January 28, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As the U.S. works to meet emissions reduction goals and modernize power sector operations, residential buildings – which account for 21% of the total U.S. electricity consumption – will play a key role. Residential buildings with energy efficiency and distributed energy resources are able to provide value to multiple stakeholders, including the occupant, utility, and society at large. To account for this, multiple metrics that capture the value each stakeholder gets are required. This report contains analysis of a unique solar plus storage community in Vermont, including the calculation of multiple metrics and a unique “score card” that succinctly captures all of the value in a single figure.

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