Full Title: Solar for Manufactured Homes Volume 3: An Assessment of the Opportunities and Challenges in 14 States
Author(s): Warren Leon, Kat Burnham, Nate Hausman, Laura Schieb, Vero Bourg-Meyer, and Matt Ohloff
Publisher(s): Clean Energy States Alliance
Publication Date: September 23, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
In 2021, the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) produced a two-volume report on Solar for Manufactured Homes, An Assessment of the Opportunities and Challenges in 14 States, as part of its Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities project. In this report, the third volume in the Solar for Manufactured Homes series, CESA offers an update relating to recent developments, including how the Inflation Reduction Act can support solar for manufactured homes, how community solar can be used to benefit households residing in manufactured homes, and two case studies illustrating pilots testing new strategies.