Full Title: Strategic Vision for a Clean Energy Future 2018
Author(s): American Electric Power
Publisher(s): American Electric Power
Publication Date: February 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The issue of sustainable electricity has been a subject of much dialogue between AEP and its
many stakeholders for more than a decade. These discussions have involved investors, customers,
regulators, environmental groups, credit rating agencies, lenders and public policymakers, among
others. In these discussions, stakeholders want to know about AEP’s strategy for transitioning to a
cleaner energy future. They ask us about resource diversity; technologies that enable more efficient use
of energy; regulations and public policies that could affect future operations or investments; and modern,
smarter infrastructure that empowers customers while creating a more robust and resilient system.
In response, we share our resource planning outcomes, which provide a clear path forward to
supporting a clean energy economy. Combined with the investments we are making in our transmission and
distribution systems, the optimization of our existing generating fleet, the addition of new wind and solar,
and advanced, more efficient technology provide the foundation for a sustainable, cleaner energy future.