Full Title: Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected Vehicles: Briefing Document
Author(s): Johanna Zmud, Ginger Goodin, Maarit Moran, Nidhi Kalra, and Eric Thorn
Publisher(s): The National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine
Publication Date: September 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
This briefing document concisely conveys the key findings of NCHRP Research Report 845: Advancing Automated and Connected Vehicles: Policy and Planning Strategies for State and Local Transportation Agencies. The research report and briefing document were created, and the research behind the report was conducted, under NCHRP Project 20-102 (01) by Texas A&M Transportation Institute, RAND Corporation, and Southwest Research Institute (please see NCHRP Research Report 845 for full authorship and publication information).