Full Title: Surface Transportation Interdependencies & Convergence with the Power Sector
Author(s): Miles Keogh, Sharon Thomas, NARUC Research Lab
Publisher(s): The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
Publication Date: September 1, 2016
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Description (excerpt):
The authors highlight the importance of the intersecting and interdependent nature of the electric power and transportation sectors, and show how failures to understand one sector can impede the growth – or lead to the failure – of the other sector. This paper is intended for state PUC regulators, state Department of Transportation (DOT) staff, governors, state energy and planning offices, and legislators who are involved with risk management and emergency preparedness. The primary modes of transportation discussed in this paper are rail, road, and barge. While there is also an interdependence between pipelines and electricity, pipelines are not discussed in this paper. The authors describe the regulatory entities for railways, vessels that traverse waterways,1 and roadways, and articulate rationales for why it is essential that these entities communicate regularly with electric power sector regulators.