Full Title: The 2030 National Charging Network: Estimating U.S. Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Author(s): Eric Wood, Brennan Borlaug, Matt Moniot, Dong-Yeon (D-Y) Lee, Yanbo Ge, Fan Yang, and Zhaocai Liu
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: June 27, 2023
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Description (excerpt):
Estimating infrastructure needs at the national level is a challenging analytic problem that requires quantifying the needs of future PEV drivers in various use cases, under region-specific environmental conditions, and with consideration for the built environment. This analysis leverages the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s suite of electric vehicle infrastructure analysis tools (EVI-X) and the best available real-world data describing PEV adoption patterns, vehicle technology, residential access, travel profiles, and charging behavior to estimate future charging needs. Multiple PEV charging use cases are considered, including typical needs to accommodate daily driving for those with and without residential access, corridor-based charging supporting long-distance road trips, and ride-hailing electrification. While the analysis is national in scope, the simulation framework enables inspection of results by state and city, with parametric sensitivity analysis used to test a range of assumptions.